
Digital experience platform providers: Introduction

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses are increasingly seeking robust solutions to enhance their customer engagement and streamline their online operations.

A digital experience platform (DXP) serves as an integrated set of technologies designed to create, manage, and optimise digital interactions across a variety of channels.

With the right DXP, organisations can deliver a cohesive and personalised experience to their customers, which is paramount in today’s competitive market.

Our buyer’s guide aims to assist businesses and professionals in identifying the key features and considerations when selecting a digital experience platform.

Industries ranging from retail and e-commerce to healthcare, finance, and beyond stand to benefit from the insights provided herein.

Key considerations for digital experience platform buyers

When it comes to the digital experience platform market, it is now a dynamic and crowded space.

As demand for this service and online requirement has risen, the number of providers, each offering a range of capabilities, has grown exponentially.  

When evaluating potential DXPs, it is crucial that buyers take the time to carefully consider the following aspects, always keeping in mind their particular, bespoke company requirements:

Integration Capabilities

A top-tier digital experience platform should seamlessly integrate with existing systems and third-party applications.

Ensuring and delivering a fully unified experience across all touchpoints is now expected rather than being optional.

Full Personalisation

Within any digital platform experience, the ability to deliver personalised content is essential.

Users should be able to enjoy digital experiences based on specific user behaviour and preferences. This is, for most, the hallmark and, indeed, the benchmark of the best digital experience platforms.

Full Scalability

As a business grows, the DXP should be able to scale accordingly and efficiently.

This should include the ability to support increased and constantly increasing traffic and allow for expanded functionality without compromising performance.

Wide-Ranging Analytics and Insights

A digital experience analytics platform should offer comprehensive data analysis tools.

Among other functionalities and capabilities, this should be designed and able to measure user engagement, and to optimise the customer journey.

Omnichannel Support

In today’s multi-device world, a DXP must provide consistent experiences across web, mobile, social, and IoT channels.

Content Management

Efficient content management capabilities are essential for maintaining an up-to-date and relevant digital presence.

Security and Compliance

Ensure that the platform adheres to industry standards and regulations to protect sensitive customer data.

Industry-leading digital experience platform solutions

As mentioned earlier, the marketplace for digital experience platforms has grown.

When exploring the vast digital experience platform market, buyers should consider the following systems and solutions:

  • ADOBE Experience Manager
  • Sitecore Experience Platform
  • Acquia Platform
  • Liferay Digital Experience Platform
  • Episerver (Optimizely)
  • Salesforce Experience Cloud
  • Oracle CX Cloud
  • Kentico Xperience
  • IBM Digital Experience Manager
  • SAP Customer Experience
  • Pegasystems
  • Bloomreach Experience Platform
  • CoreMedia Content Cloud
  • Jahia Digital Experience Platform
  • Magnolia CMS

Latest technological advancements in digital experience platforms

Digital experience platform providers are continually innovating as they attempt to meet the demands of an increasingly sophisticated market.

Recent advancements include:

  • Increased use of artificial intelligence and machine learning to enhance personalisation and automate content curation.
  • Headless and decoupled architectures gaining traction, offering greater flexibility in delivering content to various front-end frameworks.
  • Voice and conversational interfaces are being integrated into DXPs, allowing businesses to engage with customers through new and emerging channels.
  • Increased adoption of cloud-native technologies ensures that platforms are more resilient, scalable, and quicker to deploy.

Digital experience platform providers: Our conclusion

Digital experience management platforms are not merely a technological investment; they are a strategic imperative for businesses aiming to thrive in the digital age.

By choosing a platform that aligns with your organisation’s goals and customer expectations, you can create meaningful interactions that drive loyalty and growth.

Selecting the right digital experience platform is a critical decision that can significantly impact your business’s success.

By focusing on integration, personalisation, scalability, analytics, omnichannel support, content management, and security, you can find a solution that propels your digital strategy forward.


