
Content services platform landscape: Introduction

It has been suggested that in the digital age, data has become the new and very valuable currency.

As businesses increasingly turn to and rely on Content Services Platforms (CSPs) to manage, store, and retrieve their valuable content efficiently, the value of these platforms becomes greater.

Designed to be an integrated platform that provides content-related services, a content services platform is a valuable digital asset and tool.

The ability to manage and deliver content across an enterprise and multiple channels is something companies are now harnessing the power of.  

As the content services platforms market burgeons exponentially, it has become more crucial for businesses to understand what to look for in a CSP.

Ultimately, any buyer now needs to ensure that they select a solution that aligns with the bespoke requirements of their business.

Who can benefit from our CSP Buyer’s Guide

Our buyer’s guide has been researched and written for businesses and professionals across various industries.

These include finance, healthcare, education, legal, and government sectors, as well as all companies looking to implement or upgrade their content management systems.

Within the guide, we include content that is valuable for a range of professionals, whether a CIO, a content manager, or an IT professional.

During any procurement process, knowing the value, key considerations, technological factors, and functional benefits of CSPs ensure buyers make informed decisions.

When it comes to content management and content services platforms, knowledge is power.

Key considerations: Selecting a content services platform

Buying any content services platform should be a considered process with rigorous research.

With so many options, this can be complex and time-consuming, which is why we decided to suggest some key considerations.

When searching for the best content services platform, there are several critical factors to consider, which include, but are not limited to:

Seamless Integration Capabilities

One of the non-negotiable requirements when procuring a content services platform is its ability to seamlessly integrate with your existing digital ecosystem.

In addition to ensuring a smooth flow of data and content across different business functions, it will also enhance productivity and reduce the risk of data silos.

Full Scalability and Reliable Performance

During any growth period of a business, the volume of content is likely to grow simultaneously.

With this in focus, buyers should establish how their considered content services platform will handle this and how scalable it is.

As well as the ability to accommodate increasing data without compromising on performance, platforms should be able to offer cloud-based solutions or hybrid models for even greater flexibility.

Security and Compliance

Data breaches are something that no company wants to fall prey to. In short, these can be catastrophic for any enterprise and their clients.

Content services platforms should always, without exception, provide a wide range of cutting edge and advanced security features.

These should include, but not necessarily be limted to high end encryption, sophisticated access controls, and excellent audit trails.

Additionally, it should help your business comply with relevant regulations such as GDPR, HIPAA, or CCPA.

User Experience

It may seem simple or axiomatic, but content services platforms should always be intuitive and user-friendly.

Avoiding a time consuming learning curve can hinder user adoption and, ultimately, productivity.

Having an easy to use interface and a range of customisation options for a wide scope of users is something buyers should also prioritise.

Advanced Search and Retrieval

Reducing time spent searching for content is one of the key must-haves for a digital ecosystem.

Buyers are advised to research and select content services platforms that offer powerful search capabilities.

This should include metadata and full-text search, as these will help ensure that users can quickly find the content they need without advanced assistance or too many steps.

Automation and Workflow

All high-performing, industry-leading content services platforms should offer automation tools to streamline workflows, reduce manual tasks, and eliminate errors, these are all essential components.

This includes capabilities for document capture, indexing, and routing, each of which saves time and provides a more streamlined operation.

Analytics and Reporting

Data-driven insights are of high value to most companies and content services platforms should be equipped to help with this.

Opting for a content services platform that provides analytics and reporting features can help decision makers understand how content is being used, as well as identify areas for improvement.

Industry-leading content services platforms and solutions

With a wide range of systems or solutions now available, the selection process for a content services platform has become more complex.

While there are others available, some of the current industry-leading content services platforms and solutions include:

  • Hyland OnBase
  • OpenText Content Suite
  • Microsoft SharePoint
  • IBM FileNet Content Manager
  • M-Files
  • Laserfiche
  • DocuWare
  • Alfresco Content Services
  • Nuxeo Platform
  • Box
  • Everteam.content
  • SER Group’s Doxis4
  • Oracle Content and Experience Cloud
  • iManage Work
  • Fabasoft Cloud

Latest technological advancements in content services platforms

Constantly evolving technological advancements are impacting the landscape of content services platforms.

Some of the more recent developments that have impacted this sector include, but are not limited to:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are increasingly being integrated into CSPs to enhance content categorisation, automate workflows, and provide predictive analytics.
  • Blockchain technology is being explored for its potential in secure and transparent content management.
  • Increased use of natural language processing (NLP) for improved search functionality and the adoption of cloud-native services for better scalability and resilience are notable trends in the industry.

Content services platforms: Our conclusion

For buyers looking to select the most fitting content services platform, research and focus on business needs is the key.

Content services platforms can significantly impact your organisation’s operational efficiency and competitive edge, making the procurement process even more important.

When considering the factors outlined in this guide, buyers should hone in on the most important features and functionalities that align with their company and user needs.

In addition, any buyer should stay in touch with the latest technological advancements that may impact or influence their choices.

Businesses should always seek to ensure that they choose a content services platform that not only meets their current needs but is also future-proof.


  • Gartner Magic Quadrant for Content Services Platforms
  • Forrester Wave for Content Services Platforms
  • AIIM’s State of the Industry Report
