
AI for IT operations marketplace: An introduction

In the current digital landscape, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into IT operations is becoming more ubiquitous.

Commonly referred to as AIOps, the various software platforms now developed are beginning to revolutionise the way businesses manage and interpret vast amounts of data, as well as how they create, manage, and edit their digital content.

As the demand for these solutions grows, both buyers and users within the Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations industry must remain well-informed if they are to select the most suitable suppliers and comprehensive products.

Our expert Buyer’s Guide is written and designed to provide a comprehensive overview of what to consider when searching for AIOps suppliers, ensuring that your business reaps the full benefits of this cutting-edge technology.

Professionals who can benefit from our Buyer’s Guide

Businesses that utilise Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations will find this guide invaluable.

This includes organisations looking to enhance their IT infrastructure, improve system performance, and gain actionable insights through advanced analytics.

Selecting artificial intelligence for IT operations: Key considerations

Proven expertise and industry specialisation

When selecting a buyer, it is crucial to thoroughly research and fully assess their expertise in artificial intelligence for IT operations platform markets.

Any suppliers considered should be able to show a strong track record of delivering AI-driven IT solutions across a range of industries and sectors.

When it comes to proving such specialisation in the field, there are a few things that should be included.

A range of real-world application case studies, genuine customer testimonials and reviews, and a wide cross-section of professional industry recognition are all important.

Scalability and flexibility

Being both scalable and flexible is an important element within any artificial intelligence for IT operations.

The ability to plan for and accommodate business growth and flexibility should be reflected in how the software can adapt to changing IT environments both within and outside your business.

Before you buy any AIOps platform, research if it can offer solutions that can integrate with your existing systems and scale as your data and operational complexities increase.

Comprehensive features

Any artificial intelligence for it should include a wide range of comprehensive user features. Elements and capabilities to look for include, but need not be limited to:

  • Real-time analytics
  • Machine learning capabilities
  • Predictive maintenance
  • Automated incident response

Security and compliance

When it comes to data protection, there is no room for compromise. With the sensitivity of IT operations data, the importance of cyber security cannot be overstated.

Proving their ability to deliver robust and constantly updated security measures is key for any provider. In addition, buyers should consider a supplier’s compliance with relevant regulations.

These should be both regionally and globally important, with things such as GDPR for businesses operating within the EU.

Support and training

High levels of ongoing professional support and consistent training are vital for the successful selection and implementation of artificial intelligence for IT solutions.

When selecting a provider, buyers should ensure that there is sufficient training for IT teams and users, alongside ongoing support that is designed to address any issues that may arise.

Leading artificial intelligence for IT operation systems and solutions

When exploring artificial intelligence for the IT operations platform market, consider the following systems and solutions:

  • Moogsoft AIOps Platform
  • Splunk IT Service Intelligence
  • IBM Watson AIOps
  • Micro Focus Operations Bridge
  • Dynatrace
  • Datadog
  • LogicMonitor
  • BigPanda
  • Loom Systems
  • ScienceLogic SL1
  • BMC Helix
  • New Relic AI
  • Zenoss Cloud
  • AppDynamics
  • ServiceNow IT Operations Management

Latest technological advancements in AIOps

As the AIOps landscape continues to evolve with new technological advancements, it is important that decision-makers and buyers remain informed about any changes.

Some of the latest developments include, but are not limited to:

  • Enhanced predictive analytics using deep learning techniques.
  • Greater integration capabilities with cloud-native services.
  • The use of natural language processing (NLP) for improved incident reporting and resolution.
  • Adoption of edge computing for faster data processing and analysis.
  • Increased use of automation for routine IT operations tasks.

Artificial intelligence for IT operations: Conclusion

When it comes to researching and ultimately selecting the best supplier for artificial intelligence for IT operation needs, a rigorous process is advised.

As with any strategic decision within an organisation, this is something that can significantly impact your business’s efficiency and competitiveness, regardless of your industry.

Though there are many elements to consider, as discussed in our Buyer’s Guide, focussing on the following will be highly beneficial:

  • Artificial Intelligence for IT operations platform market expertise
  • Product/Platform Scalability,
  • Comprehensive Features and Functionalities
  • Cybersecurity and Compliance
  • Technical Support and Training

In an ever-evolving digital world, especially in the AI arena, buyers and stakeholders should remain informed about and across the latest technological advancements. Doing so can help buyers make informed decisions while maintaining a competitive edge within their industry.


  • Gartner (
  • Forrester (
  • IDC (
  • AI Multiple (

By adhering to these guidelines, businesses can make informed decisions when procuring artificial intelligence for IT operations solutions, ensuring they select a supplier that aligns with their specific needs and industry standards.
