Sophos had 56 patents in cybersecurity during Q4 2023. Sophos Ltd’s patents filed in Q4 2023 focus on threat management devices and methods, including scanning network traffic based on contextual data and detecting advanced persistent threats. The patents also cover a threat management facility for cloud computing platforms, identifying potentially malicious commands using decision trees, and providing a collection of queries for investigating security issues within an enterprise. The inventions aim to enhance security services and improve malware detection capabilities. GlobalData’s report on Sophos gives a 360-degreee view of the company including its patenting strategy. Buy the report here.

Sophos grant share with cybersecurity as a theme is 23% in Q4 2023. Grant share is based on the ratio of number of grants to total number of patents.

Recent Patents

Application: Traffic scanning with context-aware threat signatures (Patent ID: US20230421579A1)

The patent filed by Sophos Ltd. describes methods and devices for threat management. The methods involve receiving contextual data associated with an endpoint device, determining signatures based on this data, and scanning network traffic using the determined signatures. The contextual data can include information like the operating system type, allowing for targeted scanning of network traffic for vulnerabilities.

Furthermore, the patent outlines the ability to issue queries to endpoint devices for contextual data, scan network traffic for multiple endpoint devices sharing the same operating system, and adjust scanning rules based on the presence or absence of vulnerabilities. The threat management device described in the patent includes subsystems for scanning network traffic according to specific rules, allowing for efficient and targeted threat detection based on contextual information.

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GlobalData Patent Analytics tracks bibliographic data, legal events data, point in time patent ownerships, and backward and forward citations from global patenting offices. Textual analysis and official patent classifications are used to group patents into key thematic areas and link them to specific companies across the world’s largest industries.