According to Smart Home Week, 57% of Brits now own at least one smart product, and with consumers expected to spend £10.8bn on smart home devices by the end of 2019, this is only set to grow as consumers look to technology to improve security and convenience within their homes.
But as new devices flood the smart home market, how could this change over the next five years?
Professional services firm EY surveyed 2,500 UK households to identify which smart home devices and appliances they plan to own in five years’ time and the results were analysed by FastSaleHomes.co.uk.
The survey revealed that digital home assistant such as Google Home and Amazon Echo are the device the highest proportion of Brits expect to own in the next five years, with 41% predict that they will purchase one. Equally 41% anticipate having smart heating in their homes. This suggests that cybersecurity or privacy fears have not deterred many from introducing smart devices into their homes.
This was closely followed by smart lights, which 36% want to install. Despite recent reports that a security flaw in the Amazon Ring video doorbell was exposed after one was successfully hacked at the Mobile World Congress, 36% are aiming to fit a video doorbell in five years’ time.
At the other end of the spectrum, the survey also revealed the smart home products Brits are less enthusiastic about owning. A Smart oven, which can be controlled via an app, is the product Brits least desire to buy in the future, with only 17% wanting the appliance in five years. Only 19% would like to own a smart fridge and/or smart washer.
Social media firms have low trust when it comes to smart home tech
FastSaleHomes.co.uk also looked at who Brits would trust to supply their smart home devices. 37% of those surveyed were most willing to buying smart devices from a broadband provider. Only 2% said that they would be willing to purchase products from a social media company or mobile phone operator, suggesting privacy concerns may play a part in who to trust with smart home technology.
A spokesperson from FastSaleHomes.co.uk said:
“The evolution of smart home technology over the last decade has been fantastic. There are now a ton of smart devices/appliances on the market, which primarily aim to make everyday tasks at home easier and quicker. As Brits continue to better understand the products and become more comfortable using them, the adoption rate of the technology will only increase.
“This research certainly shows that Brits have a firm idea of the smart home devices/appliances they aspire to own in five years’ time. Similarly, providing a clear indication of the suppliers they would opt to use when committing to a purchase decision”.
Read more: Smart home spending will triple by 2025, but cybersecurity fears could hold market back