Nikon had eight patents in artificial intelligence during Q2 2024. Nikon Corp has filed patents for methods and systems that generate accurate 3D models of surfaces by fusing point features with voxel features at multiple spatial resolutions. Another patent describes a distance measurement apparatus that accurately projects light onto a target object and determines the distance based on reflected light detection. GlobalData’s report on Nikon gives a 360-degree view of the company including its patenting strategy. Buy the report here.

Nikon had no grants in artificial intelligence as a theme in Q2 2024.

Recent Patents

Application: Methods and systems for forming three-diimensional 3d models of objects (Patent ID: US20240161395A1)

The patent filed by Nikon Corp describes methods and systems for generating accurate 3D models of surfaces by fusing point features from point cloud data with voxel features extracted from voxelization procedures. By utilizing voxelization at multiple spatial resolutions, the methods and systems can extract both global and local geometric features, enhancing the accuracy of 3D modeling of objects. The process involves receiving point cloud data, voxelizing it based on spatial resolution, applying point-voxel machine learning procedures to determine feature vectors, repeating the process for multiple spatial resolutions, and applying 3D modeling machine learning procedures to generate a 3D model of the object.

The method and system outlined in the patent involve utilizing various machine learning procedures such as neural networks, convolutional neural networks, and multi-layer perceptrons to process the voxelized representations and point cloud data. The resulting 3D model of the object can include continuous shape representations like unsigned distance functions or signed distance functions. The system includes a computing system configured to implement the method, making it suitable for applications involving 3D scanners, tomographic imaging scanners, or laser distance and ranging (LIDAR) scanners. Overall, the patent presents a comprehensive approach to generating detailed and accurate 3D models by combining point and voxel features at multiple spatial resolutions through machine learning techniques.

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