Mphasis has been granted a patent for a system and method that generates smart contracts for blockchain platforms. The process involves converting natural language input into a Domain Specific Language (DSL), performing syntax analysis, and creating a deployable code template tailored for specific blockchain platforms. GlobalData’s report on Mphasis gives a 360-degree view of the company including its patenting strategy. Buy the report here.

According to GlobalData’s company profile on Mphasis, AI assisted coding platforms was a key innovation area identified from patents. Mphasis's grant share as of July 2024 was 31%. Grant share is based on the ratio of number of grants to total number of patents.

System for generating smart contracts from natural language input

Source: United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Credit: Mphasis Ltd

The patent US12067377B2 outlines a system and method for generating smart contracts tailored for blockchain platforms. Central to this innovation is a template generator engine that processes natural language input to create a Domain Specific Language (DSL) construct. This process involves disintegrating the DSL into a stream of tokens, performing syntax analysis to ensure compliance with a predefined grammar, and transforming the valid tokens into an organized structure known as an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST). The system is designed to generate a target code template that is deployable on a specific blockchain platform, incorporating various attributes such as asset definitions, function definitions, and contract definitions that reflect the user story in a domain-specific format.

The template generator engine further includes components such as a lexer for grammar definition, a semantic analyzer for validating the AST, and a smart contract file generator that produces files in an xtend format. This xtend file contains the necessary structure, mappings, and functions required for the smart contract. The method also emphasizes the importance of maintaining the order of execution and the integrity of the source code details within the AST. Ultimately, the system aims to streamline the smart contract creation process, allowing for the generation of a single solidity code template that encompasses all required elements from a single xtend file, thereby enhancing efficiency and accuracy in smart contract deployment.

To know more about GlobalData’s detailed insights on Mphasis, buy the report here.

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