TTM Technologies. has been granted a patent for a method to modify a printed circuit board (PCB) via. The process involves drilling to remove unwanted material, depositing a seed material, back drilling to create a blind via, and selectively plating to form a stub-less plated through-hole. GlobalData’s report on TTM Technologies gives a 360-degree view of the company including its patenting strategy. Buy the report here.

According to GlobalData’s company profile on TTM Technologies, Under-screen biometric identification was a key innovation area identified from patents. TTM Technologies's grant share as of June 2024 was 79%. Grant share is based on the ratio of number of grants to total number of patents.

Method for modifying pcb vias to create stub-less through-holes

Source: United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Credit: TTM Technologies Inc

The granted patent US11997800B2 outlines a method for modifying a via in a printed circuit board (PCB) to create a stub-less through-hole. The process begins with drilling a via that contains unwanted material, which is removed to form a through-hole. A seed material, which serves as a foundation for plating a conductive material, is then deposited on the inner wall of the through-hole. The method includes back drilling a portion of the through-hole to create a first blind via, where the drill automatically halts upon reaching an internal conductive trace. The drill is designed with a conductive inner core and a non-conductive outer coating, which may include diamond material, ensuring that the first blind via is larger than the original through-hole and aligned with it. The selective plating of conductive material, such as copper, occurs over the seed material, resulting in a stub-less plated through-hole.

Additionally, the patent describes the possibility of back drilling a second portion of the PCB to form a second blind via beneath the through-hole. This second blind via is also larger than the original through-hole, and the plated conductive material does not adhere to it. The claims further specify that the seed material can be electroless copper and that the PCB may consist of multiple subassemblies with various layers. The method emphasizes the importance of alignment and size in the creation of blind vias, ensuring that the plated conductive material remains confined to the intended areas, thereby enhancing the functionality of the PCB without the complications associated with stubs.

To know more about GlobalData’s detailed insights on TTM Technologies, buy the report here.

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