GlobalData research has found the top fintech influencers based on their performance and engagement online.
Using research from GlobalData’s Influencer platform, Verdict has named ten of the most influential people in fintech on Twitter during Q3 2019.
Biggest influencers in fintech: The top ten
1. Evan Kirstel (@evankirstel)
Evan Kirstel is a top tech influencer in technologies such as blockchain, 5G, IoT, cyber security, mobile, big data, and analytics. He has worked with B2B enterprises such as Samsung, AT&T, Intel, and IBM assisting them in marketing and social media activities to expand their visibility.
He has experience in sales and business development and has been associated with companies such as Comverse Technology, Philips Electric, Aricent Group, AudioCodes, Acme Packet, and Oracle.
Evan actively discusses topics related to fintech, such as digital or online platform models taking over banking, growing investments in fintech, and increasing networking and collaboration in the fintech world.
Twitter followers: 267,015
GlobalData influencer score: 100
💰 💷 #FacialRecognition meets #Payments pic.twitter.com/KGAhuZTzgl
— Evan Kirstel #RemoteWork (@EvanKirstel) September 29, 2019
2. Spiros Margaris (@SpirosMargaris)
A venture capitalist, Spiros Margaris founded Margaris Ventures, an advisory that helps companies develop innovative financial solutions. He has been in the investment business for approximately 25 years and has worked for a number of organisations and start-ups.
Spiros is fascinated about the fintech space and has invested across the sector. He believes that fintech is transforming at a rapid pace starting with the revolutionising of banking services. He is also a prominent speaker at insurtech and fintech conferences.
Twitter followers: 87,580
GlobalData influencer score: 96
The Difference Between
Dreamers & Doers in #Fintech with #SpirosMargarishttps://t.co/8pj6SmIBgt @MGeorgiou22 @ImaginovationCo #VC #insurtech @psb_dc @JimMarous @leimer @guzmand @leimer @pierrepinna @F10_accelerator @helene_wpli @Shirastweet @jblefevre60 @FinMKTG @AntonioSelas pic.twitter.com/7C9VnviE8N
— Spiros Margaris (@SpirosMargaris) September 21, 2019
3. John C Maxwell (@maxjcm)
John C Maxwell heads the Constellation Partners, a private investment company, as Managing Director. He is recognised as a top fintech influencer and strategist and has been associated with many organisations, including start-ups.
John has been involved in the design and implementation of strategies for advisors and banks. He has implemented strategies in areas of client contact, expenditure reduction, and market expansion.
Twitter followers: 8,136
GlobalData influencer score: 78
Singapore Exchange uses #Amazon Managed #Blockchain build a better interbank payments platform#VC #fintech #banking #finserv #cryptocurrency #finance #banks #blockchain #regtech #Insurtech @MikeQuindazzi @FGraillot @topcybernews @socialfave @d_zimnochhttps://t.co/vSLmIlGmoF
— John C. Maxwell III (@maxjcm) September 9, 2019
4. Andreas Staub (@andi_staub)
A fintech and finance expert, Andreas Staub serves as managing director for FehrAdvice & Partners, a business and management consultancy group. Staub is fascinated about the convergences of science and technologies and is recognised as a top influencer in technologies such as big data, IoT, AI, fintech, insurtech, and behavioural economics.
Andreas believes that the biggest threat to banks is not start-ups, but the existing culture and legacy systems. He says that basics such as digital or financial know-how are still being neglected in the banking sector.
Twitter followers: 50,110
GlobalData influencer score: 64
BEHAVIOURAL INVESTMENT AND #ARTIFICIALINTELLIGENCE#BehavioralEconomics #fintech #AI @AkwyZ @SabineVdL @SBourremani @jblefevre60 @efipm @psb_dc @guzmand @pierrepinna @Paula_Piccard @floriansemle @sbmeunier @luc_schuurmans @Salz_Er @Damien_CABADI https://t.co/stApThC9ro pic.twitter.com/Vfc9K1pWyX
— Andreas Staub (@andi_staub) September 11, 2019
5. Sebastien Meunier (@sbmeunier)
A fintech and finance expert, Sebastien Munier has mentored several organisations and start-ups. He delves in technologies such as machine learning, blockchain, and more to analyse their impact and create new revenue streams for financial institutions.
He currently serves as director of Chappius Halder & Co., New York, which provides management consulting services. He is also the creator and author of the fintech blog called finnworld, where he shares his opinions on fintech, innovation, and technology.
Twitter followers: 52,353
GlobalData influencer score: 62
The Importance Of #Cybersecurity In #fintech #AI #ux #insurtech @HaroldSinnott @missdkingsbury via @andi_staub#finserv
➡️https://t.co/cgW4L3sHXq pic.twitter.com/BHhViMR3Es— Sebastien Meunier (@sbmeunier) September 20, 2019
6. Saeed Valadbaygi (@SaeedBaygi)
Saeed Valadbaygi is a top fintech influencer specialising in technologies such as analytics, IoT, cyber security, and blockchain. He currently serves as executive director of the Global Center for Risk and Innovation, an independent marketplace for fintechs and non-profit organisations to exchange insights and collaborate.
Saeed has created and authors his own blog saeedvaladbaygi.info, where he discusses on topics such as cognition, education, politics, strategy, and human rights.
Twitter followers: 12,047
GlobalData influencer score: 62
#Bitcoin price news: The eco-friendly way to mine crypto Express BITCOIN (BTC) is the controversial digital currency some believe can change the financial system. One of the flagship cryptocurrency's main criticisms concerns … https://t.co/XRj8nmacGL #Cryptocurrency
— Saeed Valadbaygi (@SaeedBaygi) September 14, 2019
7. Jim Marous (@JimMarous)
Jim Marous is the publisher of the Digital Banking Report, a subscription-based service that provides digital banking insights, and co-publisher of The Financial Brand, a site that covers issues related to marketing and strategy that are affecting the banking sector.
Recognised as a top industry strategist and fintech influencer, Jim specialises in portfolio growth, innovation, marketing, customer experience, payments, channel shift, and digital transformation.
He is recognised as one of the most influential people in the banking sector and is a key speaker at events and conferences. He has also featured in leading media and publishing domains.
Twitter followers: 83,878
GlobalData influencer score: 61
Maturing Fintech Firms Threaten Legacy Banks Using Enhanced Datahttps://t.co/t1HHTwHxGr#banking #fintech #finserv #BigData #DataAnalytics @FinancialBrand @leimer @SpirosMargaris @ipfconline1 @WFSULLIVAN3 @rshevlin @Clagett @psb_dc @MikeQuindazzi @BrettKing @PayPal @stripe pic.twitter.com/WMsjqgcupt
— Jim Marous (@JimMarous) September 16, 2019
8. Bradley Leimer (@leimer)
A fintech and finance expert, Bradley Leimar is the co-founder of Unconventional Ventures, a consulting firm that provides advisory to corporates, and opportunities in the digital banking space. He also serves as an ambassador for Invest Tokyo, a business development centre focussed on providing support, and consultancy services to foreign companies looking to expand in Japan.
Bradley is also the advisor to Gauss Ventures, a venture capital firm focussed on fintech start-ups. He writes and actively participates in discussions related to technology and banking trends. He also mentors start-ups, corporates, and accelerators in the finance industry.
Twitter followers: 55,612
GlobalData influencer score: 59
London just overtook New York for fintech investment, research shows https://t.co/sOypUzjv4u
The U.S. is still easily home to the largest fintech market in the world, with start-ups in the country having raised nearly $9.4 billion so far this year. pic.twitter.com/GHjbJ6AAuE
— Bradley Leimer (@leimer) September 30, 2019
9. Chris Gledhill (@cgledhill)
Regarded as a top fintech influencer, Chris Gledhill speaks and writes on various topics realted to the banking sector, fintech, as well as the future of financial services. He led the innovation labs at Llyods Banking Group, before co-founding and becoming the CEO of Secco, a challenger bank based in the UK.
Chris is an avid blogger and is also the author of ‘Consumerization – the Enterprise Guide to BYOD’ and the co-author of ‘The Fintech Group’.
Twitter followers: 72,666
GlobalData influencer score: 59
#Blockchain At The United Nations Leading Solutions To The Global Crisis ⛓🌳🌎https://t.co/uRQ4BsORdd #fintech pic.twitter.com/UYkao5ok8C
— Chris Gledhill (@cgledhill) September 28, 2019
10. Minh Q. Tran (@Minh_Q_Tran)
A venture capitalist and entrepreneur, Minh Q. Tran co-founded the Odysseus Alternative Ventures (OAV) along with Christophe Reech. OAV is the venture capital and private equity division of the Reech Corporations Group, which offers investors access to funds for niche sectors such as fintech, insurtech, proprtech, and wealth tech.
With an investing experience of more than 20 years, Minh has led funding in tech, mobile, and media ventures. He currently serves as a board member in several tech companies, but specialises in insurtech. He writes frequently on topics related to insurtech and innovation.
Twitter followers: 36,311
GlobalData influencer score: 59
French startup Alan launches 4 new verticalshttps://t.co/CQ2jspmvuA#Insurtech #fintech @OdysseusVenture @SeedFounders @Insurtech_Cap @AliPaterson @Salisafa @GuyFraker @charliehalkett @SusanneChishti @denisegarth @sahoodk @stratorob @ArkangelScrap @DrFerdowsi pic.twitter.com/JykWvZ1amA
— Minh Q. Tran (@Minh_Q_Tran) September 2, 2019