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How global brands are perceived by top business leaders

A new GlobalData project seeks to shed light on the attitudes of business leaders towards some of the world’s leading companies

How hotel chains are implementing and communicating strong ESG strategies

With governments introducing stringent sustainability legislation and consumers more environmentally conscious than ever, it is essential that hospitality businesses develop and advertise strong ESG strategies.

Why startups should offer integrated payments

Incorporating a payment processing facility into a startup’s software platform brings many advantages. A key one being that it offers a quick and easy onboarding experience for customers, which makes it easier for startups to win their business

How to Leverage Payments to Scale Up a Software Business

Spurred by home working, the rise of AI and an always-online global population, the software industry is thriving. But with this growth comes competition; a seamless payment solution offers one way to stand out

How ISVs can capitalise on the payments journey

The e-commerce sector is rapidly growing; independent software vendors (ISVs) and merchants are looking to capitalise on this through the use of payments technology. However, this can prove to be challenging as maximising returns from growth often comes down to convenience

PayFacs: what they are, why you might need one and how they are reshaping payments

Payment facilitation – PayFac – has helped many business ease the transition to a world dominated by digital payments. The concept is continuing to evolve

Managing risks and costs of ecommerce payments in South Korea

E-commerce is booming in South Korea, the world’s tenth largest economy. But merchants must be wary about potential pitfalls from setting up shop in a country where diverse payment methods and currency controls dominate

Wear protection coating – an industry riding the waves of change

Amid global instability, businesses are having to rethink their strategies and goals. The coating market is undergoing unprecedented technological and cultural development in order to keep up

The unexpected sectors on the frontline of software disruption

Dispersion – the tech trend everyone is talking about. Breaking down distance and traditional distribution barriers is no longer the preserve of retail conglomerates like Amazon; new sectors and new players are catching up

Wear protection coating – well maintained vacuum is key for best results

To assure the quality and therefore the functionality of PVD and CVD coatings, the equipment and process must be in stable condition. Since vacuum cannot be replaced, you want to ensure that no malfunctions occur. This way customers enjoy a longer durability for tools and decorative elements in the automotive sector, cosmetic industries and bathroom fittings