All articles by Lara Williams

Lara Williams

Lara Williams is editor of Verdict technology. An experienced writer, Lara previously worked as deputy editor of the Financial Times’s fDi Magazine. Lara has a background in technology journalism writing for the UK’s Computing magazine and has spent almost a decade living in Silicon Valley.

Interview: Snowflake’s Artin Avanes talks data sovereignty in the age of AI

Widespread enterprise AI adoption has increased regulatory complexity for companies of all sizes across all industries and geographies.

Snowflake announces partnership with Nvidia to develop enterprise AI

The announcement at Snowflake Summit 2024 builds on an existing partnership between the two companies.

Interview: Silicon Valley startup Formic pioneers the robotics-as-a-service market

Formic CEO and founder Sam Farid identified how SMEs were being underserved by developments in robotics technology and sought to change things.

Opinion: you are not hallucinating, trusted AI is in reach

Slack’s senior director of engineering, V Brennan, says trust is AI’s biggest challenge.

Explainer: TSMC’s Arizona chip plant death demonstrates its mounting challenges in the US

The Taiwanese chip giant has been beset with challenges in its efforts to increase its manufacturing footprint in the US.

Opinion: accounting sector needs a tech-forward approach

Nick Longden, chief revenue officer at accounting software scaleup AccountsIQ shares with Verdict how the accounting sector needs to embrace digital advances.

Interview: Victory League’s Marcus Bläsche explains how the Third Wave of football is coming

Victory League is targeting a new generation of football fans looking for immediacy and interaction to address the fall in traditional football viewership among GenZ.

Explainer: Microsoft leads Big Tech data centre investment boom driven by energy hungry AI

Microsoft has a runaway lead in data centre investment among its Big Tech rivals in a bid to stay ahead of the AI arms race.

Interview: Virtualstock CEO Ed Bradley shares his advice for SaaS companies

Virtualstock processed over $1.7bn in sales in 2023 despite a challenging market for Saas companies.

Opinion: UK government must help women led startups after angel investor policy change

Freddie-Nicolle Brace, is head of legal for UK company formation agent, 1st Formations.