All articles by GlobalData Technology

GlobalData Technology

GlobalData is the market leader in providing actionable insight into the technology industry. With market analysts in 18 countries around the world, along with a team of researchers and consultants, we can provide you with the reliable, in-depth industry information you need.

UK fibre: survival of the fittest and fattest?

In the long run, the fibre-based broadband market is likely to have three main nationwide infrastructure players.

Italian watchdog bans ChatGPT: what next for the AI industry?

AI governance is becoming an increasingly complex issue, and the last month has witnessed intense discussion.

Storm cloud: lack of skilled tech workers threatens global economy

Shifting technology demands heightened levels of expertise in cloud computing, cybersecurity, coding, and data science.

Corporate boards take their seats at the cybersecurity table

While most corporate directors had at least a moderate understanding of their cyber crisis management responsibilities, there were gaps.

Mobile voice is a long way from 5G as 4G dominates

Unsurprisingly, many carriers have not yet moved much voice traffic to 5G voice.

Agribusiness is new tech battleground for Australia’s telcos

Telcos will face the challenge of moving from trails and prototypes to repeatable business.

Generative AI: reasons to be fearful?

The fear of generative AI is that we will all be fooled by it.

Calling ‘foul’ on the Broadcom and VMware deal

There is a major stumbling block in the form of regulatory approval questioning if the acquisition constitutes fair play.

Enterprises still struggle with cybersecurity readiness

Even with increasing education, a surprisingly high percentage of organisations are still underprepared.

SAP and partners come to the rescue with Datasphere

SAP claims that Datasphere can pull in all data from any repository across the customer environment.