All articles by GlobalData Technology

GlobalData Technology

GlobalData is the market leader in providing actionable insight into the technology industry. With market analysts in 18 countries around the world, along with a team of researchers and consultants, we can provide you with the reliable, in-depth industry information you need.

Half of Israel’s mobile subscriptions to be 5G by 2027

The Ministry of Communications (MoC) allocated NIS50m ($14.9m) in February 2023, to accelerate the adoption.

Spain upgrades will boost 5G market share to 49.3% in 2027

Under Digital Spain 2026, the government plans to cover 100% of the population with broadband access by 2025

Providing out of footprint network services is lucrative for CSPs

Many regional telcos serve multi-national companies that are headquartered outside the CSP’s network footprint but may need to communicate globally.

Europe’s sustainable Fairphone launches in the US

Ethical assembly and ease of repair are the phone’s unique selling points.

Sony mocopi comes to the US, bringing a mobile ethos to VR

The device includes six small lightweight sensors measuring 1.26” in diameter and 0.46” in thickness and weighing only 8 grams. 

US school districts face off against social media on mental health

More than 100 school systems in the US are suing social media giants including Meta and Google, alleging they platforms apply design features that are harming student mental health.

Annual Verizon DBIR – cyber threat analysis

The DBIR offers insights into the nature of current threat landscape through the analysis of more than 16,000 security incidents.

Egypt’s fibre optic expansions prompt digital transformation

The initiative was launched to improve the standard of living, with up to E£5.8bn ($342.6m) investment committed to developing telecoms infrastructure.

Italy plans to expand gigabit connectivity by 2026

In addition to government efforts, telcos’ ongoing expansions will accelerate fixed broadband adoption.

Climate change will drive refugee crisis

In the future, migration, and especially the number of people seeking refuge, will be driven by environmental issues.