All articles by GlobalData Technology

GlobalData Technology

GlobalData is the market leader in providing actionable insight into the technology industry. With market analysts in 18 countries around the world, along with a team of researchers and consultants, we can provide you with the reliable, in-depth industry information you need.

Samsung is unrelenting but Apple refuses to join the fold

Most major Android OEMs have a foldable phone to their name, but one name remains consistently absent: Apple.

Astroscale, solving the mess of orbital debris

When considering the minuscule pieces of orbital debris, the total number is thought to be in the millions.

Meta announces the availability of Llama 2

Llama 2 will be distributed by Microsoft through its Azure cloud service and run on the Windows operating system.

Can Boom Technology relaunch the supersonic airliner industry?

Boom Technology says that they have identified more than 600 routes on which the supersonic airliner could be profitable.

Opportunities and threats for evolving telcos

Carriers are strategizing to become more operationally agile and rationalize their offerings.

Automation platforms are latest to seek competitive edge via GenAI

Enterprises continue to grapple with the affect that emerging GenAI technologies, will have on their businesses and roles.

LLM Gen AI for phones and laptops via Meta and Qualcomm

Meta and Qualcomm announced that Meta’s Llama 2-based AI will be available on Snapdragon chipsets from 2024.

Ofcom promotes social tariffs – enabling digital inclusion

The tariffs may include set-up costs, but there should generally be no charge for changing providers.

Nothing Phone (2) needs carrier partnerships

Without these partnerships, Nothing cannot expect to take any tangible market share from rival smartphone OEMs.

Universal observability is coming

From a business perspective, the digitisation trend is the driver for universal observability.