All articles by GlobalData Technology

GlobalData Technology

GlobalData is the market leader in providing actionable insight into the technology industry. With market analysts in 18 countries around the world, along with a team of researchers and consultants, we can provide you with the reliable, in-depth industry information you need.

RingCentral takes important step by expanding DaaS program

The offer bundles services and equipment used company-wide for a single monthly price.

Satellite IoT grows as use cases and coverage needs expand

IoT is becoming a priority for satellite vendors and service providers.

Convergence proves a winning proposition for US cable MVNOs

After notching over a million mobile line additions in the previous quarter, Q2 2023 saw the cable MVNOs net another 980,000 new lines.

FWA to capture nearly 16% of US broadband services market in 2028

Easy self-installation and affordability, combined with high reliability and performance, are among FWA’s selling points

Global Telco AI Alliance could be a game changer

The alliance’s success will depend on how the member companies deliver tangible results.

IT service providers remain key to growth of enterprise IoT

IT Service Providers continue launching new services, striking new alliances, and making significant acquisitions to improve their capabilities.

BT thinking outside the box (or street cabinet) for electric vehicle charging

The goal of the pilots is to assess the viability of expanding the EV charging footprint.

Potential problems with new SEC cybersecurity incident rules

Initial reaction to the new procedures was swift and largely negative.

US FTC plays catch-up with EU in illuminating dangers of dark patterns

Required modifications applied to the Prime web interface on all EU websites.

Hyperscalers raise their generative AI game in healthcare

Healthcare institutions could potentially benefit from generative AI in several ways.