All articles by GlobalData Technology

GlobalData Technology

GlobalData is the market leader in providing actionable insight into the technology industry. With market analysts in 18 countries around the world, along with a team of researchers and consultants, we can provide you with the reliable, in-depth industry information you need.

Google releases Gemini Pro for developers and business users

The current version of Gemini Pro comes with a 32K context window for text, and future versions will have a larger context window.

Apple self-repair expansion is about controlling repair revenues

Finding affordable device repair remains difficult, especially in the US, as the cost of repair is often higher than buying a new phone.

IoT service announcements focus on technology and new PoCs

News centred mainly on proof of concept (PoCs), technology trials, new solution partners, and customer deals

Google brings on-device AI to Pixel and Android phones. Where’s Apple?

As AI gets more popular in the mainstream, moving AI to edge devices will result in significant cost savings for any company dabbling in this tech.

5G New Calling may turn mobile voice from a CapEx sink to a profit opportunity

The main industry body working on these capabilities is GSMA’s the 5G New Calling Foundry.

Shoppable ads mix US streaming content and e-commerce

The TV and video shoppable ad trend currently gaining traction in the US market will continue to grow.

UK fiber: Deep pockets required

The path to breakeven seems to be the strategic challenge.

Vodafone Portugal takes a la carte fibre-to-the-room

The service provides households with direct, wired fibre connections to multiple rooms of the home using purpose-made transparent cabling.

More than half of Netherlands mobile subscriptions to be 5G

In the Netherlands, 5G services will hold a 30% share of total mobile subscription in 2023 and will increase significantly to 67% in 2028.

Qatar to keep its focus on 5G

At the close of 2022, Qatar had achieved 98.3% 5G population coverage, a result of concerted efforts between the government and service providers, to improve the quality and quantity of internet services.