All articles by GlobalData Technology

GlobalData Technology

GlobalData is the market leader in providing actionable insight into the technology industry. With market analysts in 18 countries around the world, along with a team of researchers and consultants, we can provide you with the reliable, in-depth industry information you need.

Managing telecoms networks: What’s the state of the art?

Communications service providers’ operational demands continue to grow in scale and complexity. The only way to increase service agility while at the same time increasing efficiency is to take advantage of new tools.

The US dilemma of the Ooredoo-Nvidia tie-up

The export of advanced proprietary US technology has been a concern to US lawmakers, with government restrictions being placed on Middle Eastern orders

Microsoft contact center portfolio is puzzling

It is not clear whether Microsoft Dynamics 365 Contact Center is a unique persona or merely a twin.

Fortinet annual skills gap report – more security training needed

The survey showed that an astounding 87% of surveyed enterprises experienced one or more security breaches in 2023.

Telefonica Tech expands GenAI offerings for enterprises 

Telefónica Tech is already known for partnering with key vendors to bring emerging solutions to customers.

The future Is liquid cool: how AI is driving data centre transformation

Signals from industry are indicating that there may soon be a shift towards the use of various liquid cooling systems.

Post-election opportunities for Govtech suppliers still uncertain

With much of the pre-election debate centred on the NHS, immigration, and tax regimes, there has been scant mention of the role of technology as an agent for change.

FinOps X 2024: Three cloud giants commit to normalising billing

There is a general consensus that cloud platform providers have a way to go in providing enterprises with greater visibility into cloud costs and optimisations.

It’s the data, stupid. But is it?

Some of the claims made about AI harken back to one of the major hype trends, namely, ‘big data’.

Do you know where your software came from?

For enterprise IT leadership and professionals, it has become important to document where all the corporate IT equipment, services, and software is coming from.