All articles by GlobalData Thematic Intelligence

GlobalData Thematic Intelligence

GlobalData is the market leader in providing actionable insight into the world's biggest industries. With market analysts in 18 countries around the world, along with a team of researchers and consultants, we can provide you with the reliable, in-depth industry information you need.

Forever young: De-aging AI in film 

If AI de-aging becomes the norm, movie stars would be stripped of their sense of growth as actors—a feeling to which fans often cling lovingly

Tech in Kuala Lumpur: Apple arrives – Samsung makes playful jab

The arrival of Apple’s store and the Samsung Galaxy Station signifies a positive development for Kuala Lumpur’s tech landscape.

The Lithium Triangle: How three countries in South America will determine our future

With production needing to increase by nine times to meet net-zero targets, the Lithium Triangle must find an optimal economic model to ramp up extraction.

Cognify: The prison concept that wants to use AI to revolutionise rehabilitation

Future prison subjects could choose between serving a typical prison sentence or accepting brain implants.

Why we should stop calling content generated by AI “art”

To call those who input prompts to an AI program artists or even producers of art at all is ridiculous.

AI and blockchain could help bring wolves back to the UK

Wolves are a keystone species that can have a direct impact on biodiversity and ecological fragmentation.

Unpacking global vacation deprivation

Attitudes towards holidaying and its cultural significance play a key role in whether people feel vacation-deprived.

As robots become more advanced, we can expect more unusual incidents

It’s unlikely that the destruction of a South Korean helper robot can be considered suicide. But as robots become more lifelike, things are likely to get strange.

Automated HR systems make employers and employees miss out

Many people were either vetted out of full-time roles by automated hiring systems, or not accommodated within current roles to access more hours

F1’s race to be cleaner

In recent years, even more races have been added to the F1 calendar, with the current 2024 season featuring 24 races compared to 17 in 2020.