PagerDuty. has been granted a patent for a method that builds a relationship network graph to analyze interactions between entities. This method identifies dependencies between services based on past interactions, allowing for the creation of associations that highlight service interdependencies among individuals, teams, or organizations. GlobalData’s report on PagerDuty gives a 360-degree view of the company including its patenting strategy. Buy the report here.

According to GlobalData’s company profile on PagerDuty, was a key innovation area identified from patents. PagerDuty's grant share as of July 2024 was 58%. Grant share is based on the ratio of number of grants to total number of patents.

Service dependency identification using relationship network graphs

Source: United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Credit: PagerDuty Inc

The granted patent US12068907B1 outlines a method and apparatus for analyzing relationships among entities, such as individuals, teams, or organizations, through a relationship network graph. The method involves constructing a graph where nodes represent these entities and edges denote their interactions. By evaluating edge paths between pairs of nodes, the system identifies relationships and creates associations between services owned by the entities, indicating their interdependencies. The method also includes the collection of interaction records and contextual information to enhance the accuracy of the relationship graph, with edges weighted accordingly. Additionally, the system can generate service incident alerts to notify entities about related services, thereby facilitating better communication and response to service dependencies.

The patent further describes a comprehensive system that integrates various services, including event monitoring and interaction monitoring, to manage and analyze interactions among entities. The event monitoring service generates service incidents based on received messages and sends alerts regarding these incidents, while the interaction monitoring service extracts and processes interaction records to build the relationship graph. The relationship graph builder and analyzer services work together to identify dependent relationships and associate services with the respective entities. The system is designed to utilize contextual information to improve the relationship graph's accuracy, ensuring that relationships are identified based on weighted paths that exceed a specified threshold. This innovative approach aims to enhance the understanding of service dependencies and improve incident management across organizations.

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