Impinj. has been granted a patent for RFID tag integrated circuits (ICs) featuring privacy modes. These modes allow tags to respond only to commands with correct verification or recycling requests, enabling them to provide recycling information while remaining unidentifiable in a hidden state. GlobalData’s report on Impinj gives a 360-degree view of the company including its patenting strategy. Buy the report here.

According to GlobalData’s company profile on Impinj, Contactless verification was a key innovation area identified from patents. Impinj's grant share as of June 2024 was 74%. Grant share is based on the ratio of number of grants to total number of patents.

Rfid tag privacy modes and recycling information management

Source: United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Credit: Impinj Inc

The patent US12039390B2 outlines a method and system for a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) integrated circuit (IC) that operates in a hidden state. The method allows the IC to transition to an unhidden state or remain hidden while providing recycling information. When in the hidden state, the IC receives a selection command and assesses whether it includes verification information, a request for recycling information, or both. If the command contains correct verification information, the IC transitions to the unhidden state and responds to inventorying commands with identifying information. Conversely, if the command lacks verification but requests recycling information, the IC remains hidden and only provides recycling details. If neither condition is met, the IC ignores the command.

The claims further specify that the verification information may include a personal identification number (PIN), password, or encrypted data. The IC can also determine if the selection command specifies a nonremovable bit, indicating whether it can be detached from an associated item. The recycling information provided does not uniquely identify the IC but may indicate the recyclability of the associated item, its composition, disposal information, or where to find additional details. The IC is designed to respond to inventorying commands with either identifying or recycling information based on the conditions met, including the possibility of substituting recycling information for a random number in responses. This innovative approach enhances the functionality of RFID systems, particularly in managing item identification and recycling information.

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