Hitachi had two patents in edtech during Q2 2024. The patent filed by Hitachi Ltd in Q2 2024 is for a teacher data editing support system. This system includes a determination unit that calculates the contribution of sensitive attribution to the correct answer, a display unit that visually presents evaluation information, and an editing unit that allows for changing the correct answer in the teacher data based on the designated level. GlobalData’s report on Hitachi gives a 360-degree view of the company including its patenting strategy. Buy the report here.

Hitachi had no grants in edtech as a theme in Q2 2024.

Recent Patents

Application: Teacher data editing assistance system, teacher data editing assistance method, and teacher data editing assistance program (Patent ID: US20240212517A1)

The patent filed by Hitachi Ltd. describes a teacher data editing support system that includes a determination unit, a display unit, and an editing unit. The determination unit calculates the contribution of sensitive attribution to the correct answer in teacher data, while the display unit visually presents evaluation information showing the relationship between changing the correct answer and the deviation from an initial value or discrimination level. The editing unit allows for the designation of changes to the correct answer and outputs the modified teacher data.

Furthermore, the patent includes claims detailing the specific components and functions of the teacher data editing support system. These claims outline the calculation of contribution as an index, the display of evaluation information, and the acceptance of changes to the correct answer. The system is designed for machine learning applications, particularly for identifying and classifying data into categories. Additionally, the patent describes a method and program for implementing the teacher data editing support system using a processing device.

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