BT Group had 16 patents in digitalization during Q4 2023. The patent filed by BT Group Plc in Q4 2023 describes a method of media content delivery that uses network delivery rate measurements to determine the optimal bit rate for requesting each content segment. By measuring historical delivery rates on different timescales, the system aims to ensure continuous playback of high-quality segments with minimal buffering and low end-to-end delay. GlobalData’s report on BT Group gives a 360-degreee view of the company including its patenting strategy. Buy the report here.

BT Group grant share with digitalization as a theme is 43% in Q4 2023. Grant share is based on the ratio of number of grants to total number of patents.

Recent Patents

Application: Adaptive bit rate streaming (Patent ID: US20230328334A1)

The patent filed by BT Group Plc describes a method for delivering media content to a client device by dynamically adjusting the bit rate of content segments based on network delivery rates. By measuring historical delivery rates on different timescales and using these measurements to determine when to request higher or lower bit rate segments, the method aims to ensure continuous playback of good quality content with minimal buffering and low end-to-end delay.

The method involves receiving segments encoded at different bit rates, measuring delivery times, calculating delivery rate estimates, and determining the appropriate bit rate for subsequent segments based on these estimates. If the delivery rate is lower than the current bit rate, a lower bit rate segment is requested, while a higher delivery rate prompts a request for a higher bit rate segment. The client device is designed to implement this method by receiving segments, measuring delivery times, calculating delivery rate estimates, and dynamically adjusting the bit rate of requested segments to optimize playback quality based on network conditions. By incorporating segment size into the calculations, the method ensures efficient and effective media content delivery to the client device.

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